Guest: Christina Brady, Cofounder & CEO @ Luster

Christina covered a ton in a short amount of time! Here’s the TLDW; (or you could just hit play!)

Personal Experience with Loss
-Christina lost her mother to breast cancer and her father to complications from alcoholism within a year when she was 18-20 years old.
-Faced financial instability and homelessness while attending college, relying on friends and public spaces to get by.
-Became a licensed financial planner and excelled in sales, driven by resilience and tenacity developed through her hardships.

Influence on Leadership Style
-Emphasizes the importance of recognizing and accommodating the human experiences of joy, pain, and grief in the workplace.
-Advocates for creating a work environment where employees feel safe to express their needs and take time off when necessary.
-Stresses the importance of open communication and holistic support for employees, acknowledging that life’s challenges don’t stop at work.

Supporting Employees Through Grief
-Encourages listening to employees without trying to solve or minimize their grief.
-Suggests offering flexible bereavement policies that accommodate individual needs and maintaining frequent
-Recommends providing access to mental health services and therapy to support grieving employees.

Balancing Personal and Professional Life
-Christina’s journey reflects her belief in making difficult experiences meaningful and using them to help others navigate their own challenges.
-She focuses on building a compassionate and empathetic workplace that supports employees through their personal and professional struggles.

Role of Policy in the Workplace
-Advocates for flexible bereavement policies tailored to individual needs, allowing employees to take the necessary time off.
-Emphasizes the importance of initial and follow-up conversations between employees and managers or HR to ensure adequate support.
-Highlights the need for policies that promote retention, human connection, and a supportive culture.

Advice for Business Leaders
-Acknowledge that everyone has dealt with significant grief that shapes who they are.
-Create an environment of safety, empathy, and openness where employees feel supported in their grief.
-Show personal care for employees to gain their trust and be able to challenge the

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