Guest: Gina Velliquette, Global Head of Human Capital

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Gina Velliquette shares her journey of grieving her mother’s loss in May 2022 while in a leadership role, highlighting how it profoundly changed her approach to leadership, culture, and empathy in the workplace.

Coping and Sharing Grief
Writing and sharing about her grief on LinkedIn has been cathartic for Gina. Posts on grief have received positive responses, indicating a shared experience and need for such discussions. Emphasizes the importance of normalizing conversations about grief at work and in general.

Inadequacy of Bereavement Leave Policies
Most companies have insufficient bereavement leave policies. Lack of support and training for leaders to handle grief conversations in the workplace. Encourages leaders to check in with employees who have experienced loss.

Changing Perspectives on Leadership
Realized the importance of not compromising her values and being true to herself post-grief. Emphasizes the significance of listening, empathy, and unconditional presence in her interactions with her team. Spends more time engaging with her team, checking in, and ensuring their well-being.

Impact on Workplace Culture and Productivity
Acknowledging and addressing employees’ personal challenges can enhance productivity and financial results. Encourages creating a culture where it’s acceptable to talk about grief and loss. Human-centric cultures lead to better financial outcomes and a more supportive work environment.

Advice for Executives
Leaders should be human-centric and understand the impact of personal issues on work. Spending time to check in with employees can significantly improve their productivity. Caring for employees directly correlates with improved organizational performance and culture.

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