Guest: Kelly McDyre, CEO @ Faith's Lodge

Kelly covered a ton in a short amount of time! Here’s the TLDW; (or you could just hit play!)

Kelly McDyer’s Journey with Faith’s Lodge
- Kelly became CEO of Faith’s Lodge after her nephew’s death and her family’s experience there.
- Originally from the golf industry, she felt called to lead the Lodge, which helps grieving families heal in a peaceful retreat setting.
- Since opening in 2007, Faith’s Lodge has supported over 13,000 people, offering a space for parents to reflect and heal after losing a child.

Impact of Child Loss
- Child loss is described as “unimaginable” by grieving parents, who feel their world is permanently altered. Parents often wear a “mask” to make others feel more comfortable, though they struggle with deep grief.
- Many find it difficult to find joy or normalcy again, facing waves of grief that can be isolating, even among well-meaning family and friends.

Pregnancy Loss and Its Hidden Impact
- Pregnancy loss is often hidden and isolating, especially if it happens early in pregnancy.
- Society encourages silence until 12 weeks, leaving parents unsupported when a loss occurs.Kelly emphasized that pregnancy loss, whether early or late, is a significant emotional blow that’s often overlooked in company policies and healthcare.

Supporting Grieving Employees
- Faith’s Lodge’s “Hope Works Here” program helps grieving parents transition back to work after child loss. Kelly noted that coworkers often don’t know how to respond, leading to awkwardness or silence.
- She advises employers to validate the loss, acknowledge the pain, and provide support without trying to rush the grieving process or offering inappropriate comparisons.

Workplace Policies on Grief
- Many companies offer only 3-5 days of bereavement leave, which is insufficient, especially for child or pregnancy loss. Kelly shared examples where inadequate policies compounded emotional pain for grieving families.
- She urged employers to be proactive in offering support, recognizing the lasting emotional impact of loss and how it affects an employee’s ability to work.

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