Apply for EIN

Keagan Mcguire

What Is an EIN and How to Obtain One

An Employer Identification Number (EIN) is a nine-digit number used for identifying an estate. Obtaining the estate’s EIN is necessary for filing taxes, and can be valuable for dealing with their estate and tax filing.

Applying for an EIN can be done free of charge through the IRS via mail, face,or electronically through their website.

How to Apply:

Required information

The name, Social Security number, and taxpayer ID of your loved one.

Applying by mail or fax

To apply by mail or fax, fill out Form SS-4. See the appropriate mailing address (bottom of page) and fax numbers on the IRS website. Fax applications are replied to within four business days, while mail can take up to four weeks.

Applying digitally

If your loved one’s estate was located in the United States or U.S. Territory, you will be eligible to apply online or by phone. Your EIN will be issued immediately upon completion of the application.

What Is an EIN and How to Obtain One

An Employer Identification Number (EIN) is a nine-digit number used for identifying an estate. Obtaining the estate’s EIN is necessary for filing taxes, and can be valuable for dealing with their estate and tax filing.

Applying for an EIN can be done free of charge through the IRS via mail, face,or electronically through their website.

How to Apply:

Required information

The name, Social Security number, and taxpayer ID of your loved one.

Applying by mail or fax

To apply by mail or fax, fill out Form SS-4. See the appropriate mailing address (bottom of page) and fax numbers on the IRS website. Fax applications are replied to within four business days, while mail can take up to four weeks.

Applying digitally

If your loved one’s estate was located in the United States or U.S. Territory, you will be eligible to apply online or by phone. Your EIN will be issued immediately upon completion of the application.

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